February 20, 2011

The every moment past with you....

Long time that did not update my blog here. It just bcoz i am lazy + busy + fre kacao.
Recently was having too much happy moment with my cutie^^.
My birthday, CNY, Valentine,Tao Buffet + Sing K, etc.
And surely also include some moody + down time.
But luckily i got you to comfort me, encourage me. Make me feel that i am still not so suck and still got some hope. If not i might be still in negative thinking period. 
Your gift really surprise me alot and wake me up.
I am glad to have You as my gf. ^^
Thx God that let me Connected with you.
I really Appreciate when every moment past with you ya.... 
Hope there are no *THE END* this word between us. ^^